Admin Dashboard

Credentialing Simplified.
Credentialing just got a whole lot easier!
Track all documents, communications, and automate tasks. 

What is the purpose of the Admin Dashboard?

The Admin Dashboard will provide a general overview of where each document stands by status.
The Documents, Enrollment Status Widgets, and + New Enrollments and Active Providers button are function, so when selected, it will direct you to it's page where you can view specific details.

The Admin Dashboard offers additional features to activate, deactivate, and terminate employees, as well as view any notifications automated by the mt | credentialing system.

How do I add an Enrollment in mt credentialing > Admin Dashboard?

Step 1: Log in at MedTrainer 

Step 2: Select MT Credentialing > Admin Dashboard

Step 3: Select + New Enrollments (top left corner)
Step 4: Select the location(s)
Step 5: Select the payer(s)
Step 6: Select the provider(s)
Step 7: Select Continue to save

Note: Once the steps from above have been complete, visit into the Providers Profile > Enrollments tab to start the enrollment process 

How do I activate a Provider in mt credentialing > Admin Dashboard?

Step 1: Log in at MedTrainer 

Step 2: Select MT Credentialing > Admin Dashboard

Step 3: Select Activate Providers button
Step 4: Select the Not Enabled tab
Step 5: Locate the Provider you wish to activate & select the activate button
Step 6: Select the bot if you wish to add the employees location as the Primary location
Step 7: Select Save  

How do I deactivate a Provider in mt credentialing > Admin Dashboard?

Step 1: Log in at MedTrainer 

Step 2: Select MT Credentialing > Admin Dashboard

Step 3: Select Activate Providers button
Step 4: Select the Active Profiles tab
Step 5: Locate the Provider you wish to disable & select the disable button (under the actions column)
Step 6: Select Accept

How do I terminate a Provider in mt credentialing > Admin Dashboard?

A provider profile can be terminated via the Employee Center if the user is no longer employed at the organization or no longer requires the mt | credentialing functionality. 

Where can I pull a report of an active Providers documents?

Step 1: Log in at MedTrainer 

Step 2: Select MT Credentialing > Admin Dashboard

Step 3: Select Activate Providers button
Step 4: Select the Active Profiles tab
Step 5: Locate the Provider you wish to pull a report
Step 6: Under the actions column, select the report button

Note: The system will download a PDF file of the report

What information does the Export Report button share?

The report using the export button in the Active Profiles tab will share details of the Providers full name, email, position, and location, and amount of Providers that have mt | credentialing.

How do I address the notifications in the mt credentialing > Admin Dashboard?

Addressing notifications can be done by clicking the review button that is associated with the employees name. Once you have selected the review button, the system will direct you to the appropriate page. 

Who gets notified?

The notification from what appears in the Credentialing Admin Dashboard are received by the individuals that made the requests. 

What information does the Documents Graph share?

The graph will show a general overview of where each document stands by status.
The text in the widget is functional. So when selected, it will direct you to the documents dashboard where you can view specific details.

What information does the Enrollments Graph share?

The graph will show a general overview of where each document stands by status.
The text in the widget is functional. So when selected, it will direct you to the enrollments dashboard where you can view specific details.

What information does the Verifications Graph share?

The graph will show the number of verified and non-verified NPI & DEA Licenses.

What information does the Licenses Graph share?

The graph will show the number of active, expiring, expired, and pending Licenses.

What information does the Privilege Dilenation Graph share?

This module is currently under construction and will be updated in the future.